Meet Denae
Denae is a Florida girl who loves to shine for the Son! A messenger of good news, she hopes to inspire you to behold the beauty of who God truly is and delight in becoming who He’s designed you to be.
Growing up as a pastor's daughter, Denae believed in and loved Jesus from an early age. But when she experienced the hurt and disappointments that we all face in life, she chose to make her own way.
She had gained a broad knowledge of Scripture and its interpretation. Knowledge and understanding without relationship, though, is ineffective. It lacks life.
When she found herself facing some of her worst fears, she remembered and called on the God of her youth.
Here the Holy Spirit began to cultivate experiential knowledge of His presence, His love, and the ability to truly know His transformative working in our lives.
Finally, with full surrender, Denae’s knowledge of God - of the Holy Spirit - became relational, experiential, once again and she discovered a whole new life.
Forever a teacher at heart, she loves sharing what the Holy Spirit reveals about stepping into this new life that we've been given.
You can read more of Denae's story and follow her path from brokenness to redemption in her new book Becoming Living Stones: Come Alive to Who You Were Made to Be.
Because of the foundation of faith my parents laid in my life, I’ve known Jesus since I was a little girl. I wish I could say I always stayed close to Him, but for a time, I went my own way. I lived for myself and lacked a real relationship with the Lord. I’m left with some scars, but they remind me of the gift of redemption that I've been given. I’m so thankful for God’s mercy and faithfulness. He's the source of true life and I now long to hear His voice, know Him more, and follow where He leads.
Acknowledging my need made me hungry for more meaning in life. Once I stopped trying to build my own life and allowed the Lord to lead, He began to point me in a different direction.
I felt a stirring, not only spiritually, but also in my line of work. Choosing to trust God's Spirit enabled me to let go of teaching elementary school and step into something new. Although afraid to let go, the Lord helped me release the lie that my worth was found in what I did. (That’s a good story too!) So many surprising truths were waiting on the other side of surrender!
One summer day in 2015 I was walking the Hathaway Bridge, asking the Lord what was next. Filled with anticipation, I believed He had something special in mind just for me. He showed me a picture of a school desk and began to inspire me to commit to studying, writing, and honestly opening my life, like a book, for others to read. The Lord was asking me to step out in faith, inviting me into something new.
Believing in Him, I said yes, and He has been faithful to lead me each step of the way.
That's the beginning of A Lavishing Life and God continues to inspire me to do things that require stepping out in faith and sticking close to Him today.
In this open-book kind of life, I'm learning and growing, and finding that living in full surrender is a beautiful and fulfilling place to be!

These Days
John and I have three grown children, one strong son and beautiful daughter-in-law, two darling daughters and amazing son-in-laws, two of the cutest grandsons and granddaughter, and one more little one on the way! We love when they fill the house with laughter and joy! John and I live at the beach, right in the middle of where he and his family own and operate Laguna Beach Christian Retreat!
My days are filled with loving on our family, having people over, helping John with the gift shop at the retreat, and enjoying the Lord with a big cuppa' tea while studying His Word and writing about the beautiful mysteries of life with God.
Many of the messages here hold pieces of my story - brokenness and restoration - and the thread of God's faithfulness all along the way. My story, like yours, is made up of pain and promise, and part of my calling is to bring healing and reconciliation through the written and spoken word.
You have landed here on purpose and I pray you find your faith in God growing as you continue becoming the healed, whole, and shining child of God that He's made you to be.
Much Love!
Education & Experience
Denae graduated with the following degrees/certificates:
Florida State University, Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education, 2010
In Christ's Image Training, Advancing Church Ministries, Levels I & II, 2017