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A Redeeming and Fulfilling of God’s Original Plans

Writer's picture: Denae HaasDenae Haas

Today is a day for redeeming and fulfilling God’s plans. We might believe we have messed up God’s plans for our lives. We might think His original plans have been missed, that He let them go when we betrayed Him so. But He wants us to know that He still holds us and His good plans in His hands. Nothing is powerful enough to take from Him what He does not give. God’s original plans for us are still in play.

Today God is calling us to boldly and bravely walk into something new. As we’ve yielded to Him wholeheartedly (and continue to yield, and to yield) and allowed Him to clean out the things of the past, God has held onto the work, the ministry, the dreams, plans, callings, and assignments that He determined from the start that we would do. He’s cleared out the things of the past. Let’s allow it to be once and for all.

The old offers nothing of value for walking in the new, it's simply familiar well-worn ground. To walk away from the old way of seeing who we are and relating from that hindered perspective, we must be willing to leave the old place behind and step into the new - exchanging the shadows of shame, insecurity, and pride for true beauty, confidence, and love.

We didn’t destroy God’s plans when we turned away, He has kept them this whole time. Others didn’t steal them away with their painful influence and sway. God has held onto them this whole time. Where the world has had its sway, and what Satan tried to steal away, God is redeeming for our good and for His greatest glory. This new path will take us into our highest call.

Our Father has allowed our waiting, and He’s watched over the work within, so we could learn to push through in triumph. We needed the time for learning and growing. We needed the time to mature through the trials so we could grow strong, and brave enough to be trusted with the things of His heart.

His timing has not changed. He’s held on for these last days.

Why has God held onto these dreams? Because He still sees us the same as He always has. When He gazes into you, into me, He sees the child He made, the one He loves without limits. He sees the beauty of Himself within - you and me - creation of His hands, magnificently reflecting Him. When Jesus is within and His Spirit is upon, we will not fall, His plans will not fail, He will redeem it all.

Do you hear Him calling? God saying, ‘Come up higher, take the new path, and discover that My original plans are still in play. I’m the redeemer of all time.’

God is calling us now, to come closer, come out from the old and into the Light and Life of the new.

Listen to what He is singing through Song of Songs, chapter five, verse two:

The Bridegroom-King says,

“Arise, my love. Open your heart, my darling, deeper still to me.

Will you receive me this dark night?

There is no one else but you, my friend, my equal.

I need you this night to arise and come be with me.

You are my pure, loyal dove, a perfect partner for me.

My flawless one, will you arise?

For my heaviness and tears are more than I can bear.

I have spent myself for you throughout the dark night” (TPT).

Jesus, our Bridegroom King, has remained fully faithful to you and me. Now He is calling for all of our heart, and every bit of who we are. He is offering His hand, calling us to come and walk new and higher ground with Him as His radiant bride.

Our Good Shepherd is beside us, ready to reveal our assignment given from before birth, ready to lead us into the last-days eternal work that He’s held for us to do. This work is so much a part of who we are because it was given by God while we were still in the womb. It’s a work from before time that’s needed for now, so we must leave the familiar of the old once and for all, and step into the new - willing to walk into the unseen - and brave enough to believe.

Innocence is being restored because our history is fully redeemed. Our course is being set straight because His time to return is drawing close. Relationships are ending and beginning because the last day’s purpose is at hand. Understanding is being adjusted to align with the heart of the Father because we are the ones to reveal the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus. Dormant things are being breathed to life because our time to grow strong and flourish is here.

Let us respond, in song, to our King:

Song of Songs 4:6 The Shulamite:

“I’ve made up my mind.

Until the darkness disappears and the dawn has fully come,

in spite of shadows and fears, I will go to the mountaintop with you—

the mountain of suffering love and the hill of burning incense.

Yes, I will be your bride” (TPT).

Let’s Pray

Jesus, awaken me more to eternity and the reality of Your soon-coming return. It’s more than some far-off dream, You are truly coming again soon. Forgive me for living like that day would never come. Forgive me for allowing distractions to steal my gaze from You. Please forgive me for believing in anything but You. I want to be Your bride made ready.

Lord, thank You for restoring me and keeping the plans You have for me. Redeem all of my life for my good and Your greatest glory.

I’m ready to go deeper, still, with You. I’m ready to leave old ways, old understanding, and untrue perspective behind. I’m ready to join You on the new path. Wherever You go, I will go with You.

Show me the work You have for me for to join You in for these last days. I ask for fresh vision and strength to walk as Your bride - brave, beautiful, and bold. I want to please You. I want You, my Bridegroom-King to be proud of me.

Jesus, You carried Your Cross for me. I will pick up mine for You as I am ever formed in Your image, and join in Your suffering work, for the joy always set before You and me.

I love You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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