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We're All Made of Flesh and in Need of Scrubbing

Writer: Denae HaasDenae Haas

Sometimes the Lord communicates in such unassuming ways. Recently while scrubbing the tub, the Holy Spirit spoke something invaluable; He said that we are all made of flesh and in need of scrubbing.

As a follower of Jesus who struggles with comparison and the approval of others, I deeply value these moments when God rights my thinking by teaching a life-altering truth through the daily work of keeping a home. Here's a practical picture which shows that one man is no more valuable, or less in need than another. I pray that it goes deep into our hearts and minds, and changes the way we think and live...

Every human being is made of the same substance, each one fashioned and formed from clay. Each one of us is prone to get dirty, prone to need washing, due a good scrubbing.

Not one of us creations is less flesh than the other.

All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
Isaiah 64:6,8, NIV

Every single one is fashioned from clay in the Potter's hands - each one a creation by the imaginative Creator of us all. He is the one who deemed us worthy of being made, of being fashioned and formed to look like Him, to host His glory, to carry on His name.

Making us new in Christ, He is pleased, smiles, and calls His creation - good!

And then, we created beings compare and strive and desire to be as good as, to be accepted by, or just wish to not fall quite so short of another.

Less than another - is it possible to truly be less valuable than another created being?

I don't know how God ranks His creations, His family of children. Can you even imagine Him doing such a thing? So why do we?

Why do you? Why do I?

Why do I desire the approval of another piece of clay when the Potter has smiled at me and said, "My daughter is good"?

I heard the Creator say that we all need washing, just the same. He said we're all made of flesh and prone to dirt.

If you are covered in Christ and been made new by believing and trusting in Him, then God has called you good.

No need to compare yourself to anyone else.

No need to strive for anyone's acceptance.

No need to feel less-than.

We only need to believe that our Father loves what He has made, and in Christ, He calls us good.

Prayer of Response ~


Your hands formed me. Help me to remember that You made me because You wanted me. I don't believe You are comparing me to others. Lord, please forgive me for comparing myself to others.

I'm sorry for seeing myself as falling short and feeling the need to earn my way with people instead of relaxing in Your presence and believing in Your love.

Help me to see me like You do.

Help me to see the people that You have made like You see them.

Help me experience the warmth of Your smile and acceptance.

Thank You for washing and accepting me in Jesus.

I love You Lord.

In Jesus name.

Brothers and sisters, be free - in Jesus name! Be free daughters and sons from the hold of comparison. In Christ, God has called you good.

Breathe it in and say it aloud - I am in Christ and God has called me good!

If you are not covered in Christ, you can be. You can know this heart-righting truth. Reach out to me and I will help show you the way.

Much Love,


1 comentario

Miembro desconocido
03 feb 2022

Thank you for sharing what God revealed to your heart. What a thief of joy comparison is! I too, OFTEN fall victim to the comparison of myself to others. This was a sweet reminder to check my “stinking thinking ” to be sure my thoughts align with His thoughts for me.

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