What do we do when loneliness carries us too far? What do we do when we're waiting in the natural realm for connection and life and hope, - needs that can only be met in the spiritual? What do we do when the inside feels so alone?
Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. ~Jesus (Matthew 11:28, TPT)
Feeling like I don't fit, like I don't belong, sometimes grows so big that it climbs on top of my chest and sits down, seeking to smother out breath, vision and truth. When missing the close connection of my Creator, I'm taken captive and rowed out on a tiny boat, left on an isolated island.
Needy, I pray for help - God, reach into the lonely, questioning places. Show me the way to connection.
When loneliness carries us out, let's realize that what we need isn't necessarily found in another human face, (although it can come in that form).
We have to take the paddle and go looking, deeper than surface-level. It won't be far, and actually, what we need is very near.
To find the life-line that the soul is desperately longing for, we still ourselves, we tell the dark flapping wings of hopelessness to leave, and we seek.
Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. ~Jesus (Matthew 7:7-8, CSB)
Calming the mind, slowing the breath, leave the island and push through the watery weeds of distraction - the questions, the lies, and all that doesn't matter right here in this moment.
Keep pushing out, get to deeper waters.
Lay back and look at the sky 'til breath is calm and mind is present - to the right here, right now.
Feel the chest rise and fall. Yes, you are alive! You are here - with purpose! Now welcome the One that your soul delights in, the One who never leaves and longs to be our first source of refuge and life-giving water.
Center your thoughts on His beautiful, smiling face. Look at His eyes, looking at you with delight!
Look back - really look.
Take in the love. Receive the nearness that He wants to supply. Feel His presence filling you with perfect peace.
He sees you.
He is with you, right here, right now.
Take it in.
Linger here.
Now, start to look for what He wants to reveal. Look with your inner, spiritual eye. What do you see? God wants to speak, He wants to show you something new. So don’t let the doubt in, go back to the image that first came to mind. Look, and let it come closer.
Keep looking, really looking.
Ask the Lord what it means. Sense what He's saying.
You're still here in the present, but you're also there, in the vision, in the hope and life that comes from abiding in His love.
Follow the picture, take your part in the movie, let it play out like a reel that God is showing. Keep asking for meaning, and listen to your spirit within, because that's how He speaks.
An impression in His nearness gives vision and hope, perhaps a next step, an idea or direction, something to think on and pray into.
Mixing faith with what God shows and speaks, take it - receive it. Believe it and delight His heart!
Thank Him for His nearness. Thank Him for coming close. Thank Him for taking the loneliness away and for meeting the deepest longing, for Him. Praise Him for vision and hope for the future. Trust Him and take the next step.
Write it down, to remember. In prayer, keep asking for understanding. Keep believing that He's speaking.
And remember, He's always here. We just have to leave the island and lay back into His presence.
Where could I go from your Spirit? Where could I run and hide from your face? If I go up to heaven, you’re there! If I go down to the realm of the dead, you’re there too! If I fly with wings into the shining dawn, you’re there! If I fly into the radiant sunset, you’re there waiting!
Wherever I go, your hand will guide me; your strength will empower me. It’s impossible to disappear from you or to ask the darkness to hide me, for your presence is everywhere, bringing light into my night.
There is no such thing as darkness with you. The night, to you, is as bright as the day; there’s no difference between the two.
(Psalm 139:7-12, TPT)
