The Holy Spirit and holiness are linked. We must have Holy Spirit resting on us, and filling and leading us, if we truly want to live a holy life - a life that shows we love the Lord.
We simply respond by welcoming Holy Spirit - the Dove - with a heart that is open and ready to receive all of God - all of Him - His wisdom, His presence, His restoration, and His power to accomplish all that He calls us to do. We need Him!
To submit to the One who produces the plans of heaven, we need only open the window of our heart and bid Him - come. I welcome you to open your heart to all of God as you read the poem below, and respond to Holy Spirit in your own personal way. You may even want to read the poem with your family or small group. One can read the poem, while the group reads the response. Maybe it will spur a discussion about the miraculous and much-needed Holy Spirit of God!

Come Holy Spirit - A Prayerful Poem
Holy Spirit,
One who dwells within the high places of God,
Soars between the Father, the Son, and man -
Bringing the heights down to us,
Gives us His wisdom,
His Light for The Way.
We respond: We need Him to come.
Holy Spirit,
One who holds and gives heaven's heart,
Brings beauty and love in purest form: Truth.
Revealing Jesus -
His near presence,
His tender grace.
We respond: We need Him to come.
Holy Spirit,
One who carries the high things of heaven,
Holds healing in His wings.
Releasing redemption,
He restores our foundations
And builds us on faith.
We respond: We need Him to come.
Holy Spirit,
One who is tender like a dove,
Expresses strength like the sun.
Producing power so pure, so holy,
Nothing can restrain Him -
He accomplishes every word of God.
We respond: We need Him to come.
In John 14:15-17, Jesus said:
If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands.
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever -
The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you.
(Amplified Classic Bible)
We do love Jesus, so let's continue to welcome Holy Spirit into our life - daily, so He can help us live in a way that shows it!
There is more to come on this topic, so please be praying and watching for the next message to arrive in a few weeks.
Love you!