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How Should We Respond? (Day One)

Writer's picture: Denae HaasDenae Haas

Hello, Family!

I have missed you and hope you are doing well! 

It's been a while since I've sent a message this way, but these topics have been on my heart and mind, and in careful conversations and prayer for some time. I imagine it's been the same for you. There are many concerning things surrounding us, and according to Scripture, we really are living in the last days.

With reports of manipulation and abuse by well-known pastors and priests in our nation ever rising, how should we respond? It seems as though many Christian leaders are pursuing their own agendas rather than fearing the Lord and helping the Bride prepare for the return of Jesus Christ. What should we do? In the face of political strife and intense division within families, what should our response be?

I invite you to join me here for the next five days to prayerfully seek the Lord on how to respond to these end-time challenges we’re facing in the body of Christ. I don't want to overwhelm your inbox, but I believe this message is worth pondering and praying over. I pray it will strengthen and help make us ready as the Bride for the return of our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. Please join me today through Friday to respond in prayer and faith, for God is not finished yet.

May God bless you and keep you!

Much Love, 


Day 1: Pray in Repentance 

Some have suffered under the abuse of Christian leaders. Let’s share the compassion of the Lord for them and pray for their healing and restoration. In the past, I believe much of our first response consisted of questions about the victim’s motives for coming forward. We asked things like, “Why did she wait so long?” and “Why is she bringing these allegations now?,” as if the victim is the guilty one, the one to blame, the one responsible for being abused.

Perhaps, instead of responding with putting blame and shame on the victim, let’s recognize it can take time to realize that what has happened isn’t normal and isn’t okay. It can take time to share the pain, to be healed, and to find the courage to come forward.

Abusers must be held accountable.

And we - the ones who make up the body of Christ - the Church, also hold some responsibility. Consider how we have raised our leaders up to unhealthy places, have seen them as above reproach, above the temptation of sin. To acknowledge a weakness or even a failure of a leader can feel like a betrayal. We are loyal to our leaders, sometimes to a fault. 

In the face of these failures being exposed within the Church, now is the time to humble ourselves before the Lord and honestly look to see if we have elevated our leaders to unhealthy positions and places in our heart. 

We have, at times, been too naive and too unwilling to take responsibility for our own growth. We’ve relied on our leaders more than we should have. Instead of seeking God and His Kingdom first in the quiet of our own home every day, we have looked to leaders on platforms to please us and feed us. We have relied on them to tell us the truth rather than personally hiding the Word in our heart and testing everything against that standard. We have wanted their approval, sometimes even more than the approval of God. Lord forgive us.

We so long for communion and connection with the Lord, but instead of investing the time, prayer, and study that it takes to know God, we find it easier to be fed by our leaders.

I say these things while feeling the Holy Spirit's conviction, but I still say them, because telling the truth is love. There is a time for being fed, and what a gift it is to be invited to partake of a meal that someone prayerfully prepared. But we also need to daily gather our own supplies at our own kitchen table and meet with the Lord there.

God is holy and set apart. There is no one like Him. Only the Lord can satisfy our deep longings and needs, because He is the One who made us. The deep connection that we long for, that we were made for, is found in daily, hourly, moment-by-moment communion with our coming Bridegroom and King. What we need is always first found in Him.

Let’s consider Paul and his powerful encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Consider the wisdom he shares in the book of Romans, and the way he suffered greatly for the cause of Christ. If anyone could have boasted and used their power for selfish gain, it was Paul. And yet he said, “What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” (1 Cor. 3:5-7, ESV). Lord, help us to see this truth.

Because we are all on mission, whether we work on staff at a church, lead our own business, mother our babies day in and out, or write in the recesses of a quiet room. Whenever we follow the Lord by obeying His Word and doing what He leads us to do, we are serving Him. Our work is for His eyes alone. Our ministry - whatever it may be - is to love Him first, to obey His leading, and ultimately, live to give Him glory. Lord, help us to take peace in this truth and be set free from living unto man and truly, live unto You.

Let's Pray

Dear Father,

We repent for elevating our pastors, leaders, and people of influence to unhealthy places. Lord, we love them, but they can't take the place of You!

Forgive us for fearing and honoring man more than we have feared and honored You. Help us see one another rightly, as fellow servants of God. 

Please comfort and cover the ones who have been abused by people in the church. Lord, heal their hurting hearts in Your perfect time and way. Show us how we can help restore them to You and Your church.

Help us return to You as our First Love. Like a bride captivated by her soon-coming groom, help us set our focus, devotion, and deeds first and fully to You (See Rev. 2:4-7).

“Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name” (Psalm 86:11, ESV). Thank You for alerting us when we start to turn away from You. We will listen.

Lord JESUS, You are worthy of our first love. You are worthy of our first attention, first allegiance and admiration. Lord, it is our joy to set our first love completely on You!

In Jesus' name we pray,


(PS - See you here tomorrow for Day Two - "Praying for Our Leaders & Saying Hard Things")


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