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It’s Not Faith Until You Believe

Writer's picture: Denae HaasDenae Haas

A Whisper in the Night

I woke up in the middle of the night hearing the words, “It’s not faith until you believe.”  God’s Spirit had whispered it right into my heart. 

As I considered it, I realized – it’s what I’d been missing in my relationship with God. I had yet to truly believe that He would take care of me and meet the real needs of my family. 

Hebrews 11:6 tells us that if we don't have real faith then we can't truly please God.

So why do we care to please God? Because He cares for us. He knows what is best for you and me. When our aim is to please Him, then we can trust that His will is being worked out in us.

The kind of faith that pleases God releases our worry. It sheds our shoulders of the responsibility to carry the ones we love and to make things happen in our own strength. Real faith actually believes in the God that we put our trust in. This kind of faith takes every worry to Him and leaves it to His care.

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.  ~Hebrews 11:6 (ESV)

A few years ago, on the night I was awakened, our family had been struggling. The reality of our family’s struggles spoke louder than my belief in God to work on our behalf.

Filled with fear, I felt tossed around by those choppy waves that kept me constantly kicking to stay afloat. What if my worst fears came true? I was learning in Celebrate Recovery that Step One says, We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable.” For me, it translated, “I was powerless to help the ones that I love on my own. My life had become driven by fear.” I felt stuck in fear, useless, and on the side-lines.

I resisted letting go of control, but God was gently pushing me into surrender. I had much to learn there.

Lessons of Surrender

Within my fear, I asked Jesus to teach me how to surrender, because I just couldn’t get it on my own.

He was so gentle and loving, and showed me a picture: He took me to the cross and we knelt there, together. That’s where I was to begin and that’s where I would return, often. It was about trusting the Father, humbling myself to receive help, and trusting the ones that I love with Jesus.

He has no use for conceited people, but shows favor to those who are humble.  Proverbs 3:34 (GNT)

To surrender ourselves and the ones we love is not easy. Pride gets in the way. To take pride out of that prominent position requires our surrender and humility working together. Then we are able to leave our troubles with the Lord and receive His comfort and His truth. There is always hope when we trust in Him!

I’m learning that I don’t see the whole picture but I'm in relationship with the One who does. I’m starting to see that each one of us is an original, at different places, and that there is much to gain from one another. And I’m learning to accept and love people, right where they are. My place is to love and encourage as they walk out their own journey.

Enabled to Believe

Our Father God allows us to go through trying circumstances to draw us closer to Him and to make us more like His image. He reveals His heart as we come to Him acknowledging that we need Him. He enables us to believe that He is a good Father who is always working.

This lesson of surrender – a letting go and trusting, again and again is an ongoing choice that we children of God have to make. And each time we resist pride and come back to the Cross to acknowledge our need, we move to a place of deeper faith. We move to a place of seeing and hoping beyond our circumstance. Within our surrender, Jesus enables us to truly believe.

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.  Philippians 1:6 (NLT)


What are you holding onto in fear?

Will you take it to the cross? Jesus will help you to surrender there and He'll teach you how to trust.


Father, thank you for always speaking truth. With You, my story always has hope.

I acknowledge that I'm afraid. (Talk to the Lord about your fear. He can handle the truth of what you're feeling and afraid of.)

I bring this concern and real need to You. You have the power to change things. Please work in this circumstance.

Help me to pray according to Your heart, where there is always love and hope. Lead me to a Scripture that gives me direction to pray and believe.

You are my God, my hope, and I give You control. Let Your will be done. Let Your kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.

I love You, Lord. Thank You for giving me faith that really believes. In Jesus name.


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