(An Interactive Reading)

There is power for movement and momentum in our walk with the Lord when we break away from our busyness and take time to stop and consider what He's done, and listen for the voice of the Lord.
When we stop, we can hear Him remind us of who He is, who we are, and listen to Him tell us more about what He's called us to do.
In Isaiah chapter five, Isaiah writes about a people who forgot to stop and remember. They were so entertained by other things that they forgot the Lord and what He had done. Their forgetfulness made room distraction. Distraction led them farther away from God and His presence, peace, and protection.
We must not forget. We must stay awakened to the Lord by remembering what He has done for us and listening for His voice to speak about our future.
They entertain themselves...But they don't think for a minute about all the Eternal has done. They don't stop to consider the work of His hands.
- Isaiah 5:12, (The Voice)
The following is an activity to help you stop, to take time off from being entertained, to think about what God has done, to consider the work of His hands, and allow His voice propel you farther into your heavenly assignment.
We are strengthened by the remembrance of God's hand upon our lives. We are refreshed when we hear God tell us, once again, who we are. We are empowered with a clear picture of what He wants us to do when we take the time to listen.
Find a peaceful spot, bring a notebook or journal, and get ready to spend time with the Lord.
1. Stop and Pray
Welcome the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help you remember. What good things has God done for you in the past that you are enjoying the fruit of still today?
2. Listen and Journal in Agreement
What is coming to mind? Make a list of the kindness that God has shown toward you.
For me, He spoke about the way He's awakened a deeper hunger for Him, encouraged a greater surrender, and how He's brought new life into my marriage.
Get quiet and listen with an open heart. The Holy Spirit will help and guide you.
Now, begin to ask the Lord to talk to you about who you are.
What do you hear the Holy Spirit saying? Write it as fact.
Here's what I wrote, according to what I heard: I am Your daughter, God, one who is forgiven, received, and delighted in. You are happy that I am home!
3. Listen for Details about Your Assignment
By reminding you of who you are, I believe the Lord will continue to speak into what He's designed you to do. Write down what you hear Him saying about how He's made you and what you're good at, and come into agreement with His word.
You may want to start with: You know me, God. You know who I really am. Help me to know me too. Go ahead and write, "I am..."
Keep your pen moving. It's an act of faith to listen and list what you hear the Spirit of God saying. He may choose to continue speaking over the next few days, so keep your journal close by. Go over what God has done for you and said to you again and again, and thank Him for His kindness and His voice in your life.
Remember that no matter where you work or what you do, you are a minister of Jesus Christ. Who God is, who you are, and what He's done for you and through you is your gift to the world!
My Prayer for You -
I pray You lead each one of us into a deeper place with You. Help us remember what You have done and celebrate with thankfulness. You have done so much for us, Your children, and we are grateful.
Holy Spirit, please help us quiet distraction to listen for and hear the voice of God. Give us dreams and visions that speak of You and Your good plan of salvation for your people on the earth and inspire us to take our place and do what You've called us to do!
We remember Your faithfulness, Your kindness, Your forgiveness.
We live to forever give You thanks and praise.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Much Love,